29 September 2008

Are They Serious?!?

Ok, I think of myself as an independent; neither party has all of the correct answers, and lately both have been blending to the point where they are indistinguishable. As such, I will be calling the leaders out when I've caught them in a bind.

Today, my ire is directed toward the Democratic Party in general, and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D - California) specifically. On Saturday, in referring to negotiations over the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (EESA), Nancy Pelosi said, "I'm glad that the Republicans have finally come to the table. I thought it was very unpatriotic of them not to show up, not to show up, in some ways boycotting the meetings earlier in the week" (see it at http://hotair.com/archives/2008/09/27/video-pelosi-calls-house-gop-unpatriotic/). Is she serious? Let me see if I understand her point: it is unpatriotic for congressional representatives to not attend meetings about issues that they dislike or want to fail because they believe the issue is wrong. Is that a fair assessment? I find that grossly hypocritical, especially coming from the person who broke the House for a vacation when the issue of solving $4/gal. gasoline came to the floor. Or is she choosing to forget that little incident, hoping that the American population will too?

Today, after the legislation was voted down - with both Democrats and Republicans voting against it - Pelosi tried to cover over her party's split by placing the blame entirely on Republicans. Now Pelosi is saying that the House, which was scheduled to take a break soon for the presidential campaign, will not break until this issue has been solved. So, because she wants this bill to pass, the House will stay in session, but whenever an issue is raised that she does not like, it will never see the floor. I do not agree with the EESA, and feel exactly how Rep. Jeb Hansarling (R-Texas) said: “In my heart and in my mind, I believe that this plan is fraught with unintended consequences, would force generations of taxpayers to pick up the tab for Wall Street losses and could permanently and fundamentally change the role of government in the American free enterprise system” (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0908/14050_Page2.html). This plan is a giant step towards socialism, and socialist economies never work and never will work, but that's a subject for another post. Both presidential nominees, Sen. Obama and Sen. McCain, have endorsed this plan, which is a brand new reason for why I can not vote for either.

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